Awaken Your Divine Inituition


SusanShumskySmall Susan Shumsky

Receive Wisdom, Blessings, and Love by Connecting With Spirit

by Susan Shumsky — New Page Books, February 2016

From Dr. Susan Shumsky, A New Path to Direct Spiritual Connection

Doesn’t every person yearn to communicate directly with Spirit? And what if we are not saints, sages or holy men––are we worthy of receiving the blessings of Spirit?

In Dr. Susan Shumsky’s deeply transformational new book, Awaken Your Divine Intuition: Receive Wisdom, Blessings, and Love by Connecting With Spirit, readers learn reality-based, proven techniques to open their hearts and minds to never-ending, direct, inner contact with the divine.

The book will help every spirit-seeker to open a pipeline to the flow of inner guidance, love, healing, wisdom, and inspiration from the center of being, and to go directly to Spirit and experience higher consciousness with no intermediary or outside agent.

A pioneer in the human potential field and a highly-acclaimed spiritual teacher, Shumsky has more than four decades of experience as an educator in the consciousness field. A prolific and popular media guest, teacher and public speaker, she is the founder of Divine Revelation®—a unique, field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, and hearing and testing the inner voice.

In the newest of her many books, Awaken Your Divine Intuition, which includes a link to an online meditation, readers will:

  • Tap into an “in-house counselor” for inner guidance and inner genius
  • Receive signals that identify specific aspects of inner divinity
  • Get divine messages and inner guidance, and test whether they are real
  • Awaken clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient gifts.
  • Experience radiant light and spiritual love and grace
  • Heal ego blockages that inhibit intuition.
  • Experience the divine presence any time, anywhere
  • Never be alone again

“Susan Shumsky has practiced and taught meditation for more than four decades, spending years under the tutelage of an enlightened spiritual master from India. She isn’t just a writer––she is a master teacher.”
— Marci Shimoff, NYT best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

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